EnJoY mY bLoG

busy day..busy life..

April 11, 2010

Wonderful News

Last Friday, I received a great news from my mother. She told me that my sister is getting marry soon and she hoped that I cuold go back to Taiwan to help them prepare the wedding. However, my class is still running and I could not leave for there earlier. The best I can do is that leaving here immediately at the last day of school. Since my sister's wedding is on Thursday which means that I have to leave on Wednesday. It should not be a big problem; however, I cannot help my family to prepare the wedding. I was surprised when my mother told me that my sister is pregnant. Therefore, they dicided to get marry before my sister get weight. It is a great news in my family, since we have not had any joyous occasion for more than ten years. I am so excited and I cannot wait to go back. I hope the time can fly faster and I can go back soon. I am coming! Wedding!



How to Improve Your Brain

Nowadays, people are trying to find some ways to improve their brains. Actually, there are some ways to improve your brain and those are really helpful. First, you can take a SPA or Massage. Once you are taking a SPA, and your body is relaxed. When your body is relaxing, your brain will rest. It means that you can improve your memory. Next, you can try some games to train your brain. For example, sudoku is the best game to train your brain. Once you try to find out the answer and your brain is working, that can help you to improve your brain's reaction. Last, you should have enough sleep everyday. When you are sleeping, your brain will not stop working. Also, that is the best time for your brain to relax. If you use your brain too hard and do not get enough sleep, the result will be nagitive. Therefore, ther main point is that do not worry about too much or be too stressful. In fact, stress is a brain killer.



April 5, 2010

Crazy Weather

I had a terrible day yesterday. I planned to take a bus home from my friend's house and it was sunny actually. However, when I arrived the bus stop, it started raining. At first, I thought that it just rained and I hated the weather. Next, I suddenly heard some noises and I heard someone was screaming. And then I looked around, I was stunned. There were millions of ices falling down from the sky and those ices were extremely huge, just like fists. Next moment, I thought that it was the end and everyone was going to die soon. After a minute, it stopped and the sun came out again. It was really strange and I thought that I was dreaming. However, those ices proved everything and I knew that it was real. After I got home and I checked the weather again; in fact, it did not say anything about what it just happened. I realized that people should save the environment right now; otherwise, it will be too late. It was just a start and I know that God is trying to warn us.



March 29, 2010

The Influence of Toys on Children

After a long-term research, people have found out that the influence of toys on children. Some people think that nature causes the amount and quality of language use. However, environment or education can also influence the conversation. Especially, the toys! First, parents usually give their children different toys which are depended on their genders. For example, boys will usually get a car and girls will get a grocery store for presents. Those toys can influence the conversations when children are playing with. Then children can practice the language with toys, and they are trying to pretend that they are adults. With these toys, they can also practice the conversation that is useful for their social communications or relationships with friends and family. The research also shows that biology is not the most important thing to influence how children are good at communication. Although, parents are naturally responsible to their children’s genetic, they can still change these by choosing a perfect toy for their children. Also, it is the main point to decide how children can talk well with their toys.

This is an interesting topic and it really surprised me. I cannot believe how a toy can influence so much. First, everyone should get some toys from their parents in childhood. Parents usually buy some cars or robots for boys; on the other hand, they will buy some dolls or grocery stores for girls. Then those toys seriously influence children on their conversations. For example, girls will pretend that they are the owners for grocery stores, and they are trying to ask customers to buy their products. Therefore, girls can practice their conversations and they will be used to talk with strange people; in fact, they are good at selling things. However, boys always play with cars and robots; it means that they will not have many conversations. As the result, parents should buy social toys for both boys and girls. That is the best way to train children to have better conversation.




March 28, 2010

Night Party

Last Friday was a wonderful day and it was really exciting. That was my friend's birthday and we planned to have fun all the night. First, they came to my house and pick me up. Then we went to have dinner at an HongKong restaurant. They had the best seafood I ever had. After we finished eating, we decided to go to a club and celebrated the birthday party there. Therefore, we went to downtown and found a club called Febric. There were so many people in downtown that day and it was extremely crowed. However, the party was still on and we did have a lot of drinks. The main point was that we were trying to get the birthday boy to be drunk; therefore, we kept buying drinks and forced him to drink them all. After a few drink, we danced and had fun. Finally, my friend was too drunk and he threw out. That was a great time and it was really interesting. I think that he will never forget this birthday party ever.

Different Life in College

Nowadays, a lot of people go to Canada to study instead of educating in Taiwan. There are some differences of education system between Canada and Taiwan. First, in Canada, people can take any subjects they want, and the school will not ask students to take too many courses. For example, some students only want to take one course in a semester, and they can have more time to work or rest. Furthermore, there is less homework but more assignments or projects. It means that people have to work as a team and help each other to finish their projects. It is interesting and everyone can learn more things by researching the information. Another thing is that students always talk with their teachers in classes. Once people have some questions or they are confused by the subjects, they can raise their hands and ask the questions. The teacher will not be the only one who can speak during the class, but also students. There are a lot of conversations in classes and students can get the answers immediately. Also, there are not many tests or exams in colleges. The most important thing is that the teachers want to see the improvement and how students learn from their classes. Tests are not the way to show how people learn things; in fact, the assignments and projects are more important. Those can show the teachers how students learn from the classes.

However, the education system is extremely different in Taiwan. Once, people attend to colleges and they will have to take more than four courses in a semester. It means that students are very busy all day, and they will not have time to work. Furthermore, there is a lot of homework after school. The teachers would like to give students a lot of homework instead of projects or assignments. Actually, the teachers think that homework is the only way to force students to study hard; therefore, students always go home directly after school since they have a lot of homework to do. Another point of view is that students are not allowed to speak during the classes. If they have some questions, they will have to go to the teachers’ offices and talk to them. Sometimes, it is really hard to find your teachers in their offices; because, they may have another classes to carry on. Also, there are many tests and exams in colleges. The teachers think that it is the best way to show what students have learnt in classes. There will be more than three tests a week and those tests are from different courses. It is so stressful, and a lot of students do not have time to sleep during the night; in fact, they have to finish homework and study for the tests. The college life is really different between Canada and Taiwan.




March 22, 2010

Wonderful Day

I went to a lot of places last Saturday, since my friend wanted to go to downtown and walked around. His name is skyler and he is from Taiwan as well. In the morning, he drove to my house and picked me up. Then we went to a Korean restaurant in Coquitlam and the sushi was delicious there. If you like Sushi, I will tell you that it is the best there. After we had our lunch, we drove to downtown straightly and we decided to play pool first. Therefore, we played some games of Nine-ball; in fact, I am very good at it. We spent 3 hours playing pool and we really had a lot of fun. Next, we went to another Korean restaurant and had dinner with his friends. The pork soup is extremely famous and the restaurant is always fulled. After the dinner, they suggested to go to KTV and sang. So we drove to Surry and there was a Kareok there called Mix-2. When we finished singing, they drove me home at 9 something. I seriously had fun and that was a wonderful day. Do not you think so??:)