Nowadays, a lot of people would like to attend to colleges but they do not know how to do well in colleges. There are two reasons why peopl want to attend to colleges, one is that people just want to graduate from colleges, because they may to get some better jobs after colleges, on the other hand, people would like to try some interesting subjects in colleges before they transfer to universities. Anyway, the most important thing is how to do well and study in colleges. First, you may choose a college which has some interesting courses that you want to study. Once you attend to your courses, you have to work hard in your classes. Of course, you have to compelet every assignments and every homework that the teachers give you. Next, never be late to your classes, if you are late, must tell the teachers why you are late. The most important thing is that try your best to be close to your teachers. Try to make your teachers think that you are the best student and you always pay attention in their classes. Because, the teachers will make the decision that whether you can pass these courses or not. Last, you may try to do some extra works for your learning, for example, reading some interesting books to improve the reading skill, watching news on TV to improve your listening skill or talking with native people to improve the speaking etc. If you have followed these steps to study, you can do well in colleges.
I really like the ideas related to how to do well in college. I noticed the points, and I will try it in college and make it a part of my college life.